About the Blog
About the Blog This blog focuses on the immigration of the Persians into India and the Parsi community. Each topic covers different aspects of the influence of the Persians on Indian culture and vice versa. Through this blog, we aim to provide an overview of the reasons why Persians moved to India, what were the barriers faced by them on coming to the country, and how their ideas and practices changed over time. We aim to do this by giving an elaborate introduction to the culture and history of the Parsis, understanding how they contributed to the society from a deterritorialization point of view, what all occupational positions they held, how they changed the geopolitical landscape of India by influencing lawmakers to change and modify existing laws and how all of these factors affected their own culture. The effect they had on Indian culture and society is a major one and we hope to weave all these topics together to paint the grander picture of the diaspora that is Parsis and ...